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Banaripara in the war of liberation


A brief history of Banaripara during the liberation war of 1971
When Barisal fell to the Pakistani army on 26 April, local resistance fighters gathered at Kuriana. The freedom fighters were trained there. After Kuriana, a camp of the freedom fighters was formed at Gava. The freedom fighters of this region were led by Captain Shahjahan Omar, Benilal Dasgupta and a few others.
During the war of liberation, massacres, arson, looting and torture were carried out in the villages of this upazila. The Pak army killed about 212 people in Gava village of this upazila. Hundreds of people were killed, especially in the Kathi massacre in South Gava.
During the war of liberation in 1971, the freedom fighters attacked the position of Pakistanis in Banaripara upazila of Barisal district several times. The freedom fighters last attacked Banaripara at the end of November.

Banaripara is located on the western edge of Barisal district, on the border of Pirojpur district. The Pakistan Army was stationed on the east bank of the Sandhya river in Banaripara in 1971, and the police station consisted mainly of razakars and police. About one company Razakar was there.